Thursday, August 4, 2011

The beginning of a new journey!

It's been forever since I have blogged and I think it's long over due. My husband and I found out that we are expecting almost three weeks ago now. It's been fun and scary all at the same time. I brought two daughters into the marriage and they are currently 7.5 and almost 9 so that will make them 8 and 9.5 years old when I deliver.

Last week I ordered the stroller and carseat- because I knew exactly what I wanted and I didn't want them to go out of style before I delivered and they were on sale. :-) My husband jokingly asked what happens if you have a miscarriage or worse yet, we have twins! I laughed him off and simply told him that I have never had issues with my pregnancies so this baby will be just fine and twins don't run in the family.

The girls are super stoked about having a baby brother or sister. Each one wants the opposite gender. They love to go "window" shopping online with me and look at all the cute baby gear. We are making a mental list of all the things we are going to need and praying for a healthy baby and a smooth transition into a bigger family.

Yesterday was like any other day. I got up and took the girls to the sitters and then came to work. I went to the bathroom a lot and had some cramping but nothing that worried me too much. After work I had a dentist appointment and they were hesitant about giving me novicaine since I was so early in my pregnancy but my regular physician said I would be fine. So I didnt worry. After my appointment I rushed to the bathroom since my bladder was full again. To my horror I was bleeding. Not a lot but I don't ever have complications with my pregnancies (right!?).

My OB sent me to the local women's and babies hospital where they took my blood, and did an external and internal ultrasound. My husband and I sat there for what seemed like an eternity waiting on some word. Was I losing the baby? Did they find something they weren't expecting? What is going on?

When the doctor finally came back she told us that the bloodwork wasn't quite done yet but she wanted to let us know what was going on and would have the office read the results of the bloodwork in the morning. But the Rad Tech saw that they are pretty sure are two gestational sacks in my uterus. Two!? I think my jaw hit the floor! The doctor said not to get two excited yet but there is a possibility if everything is ok, you will be having twins. Twins!? Oh my goodness, how exciting! How scary! There may be two little babies growing inside me. Two!

Next week I will have a follow-up ultrasound. Only time will tell if everything is ok and a full confirmation of twins. Twins! Wow!

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