Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School's In Session!

My daughters are back in school along with two or three other school districts in our area. My oldest was apprehensive about starting fourth grade because she thought it would be hard and my youngest was excited to go to school to show off her new wardrobe! Can you tell the difference in priorities!?

This school year I am putting my two plus three other children on the bus. The first child arrives at 6:45 so I am getting up at 6 or before to make sure I am ready and get the girls ready too. So far we are three days in and it's been smooth sailing. :-)

What I really like about this schedule is that I am officially starting to have a ROUTINE! I guess I do work best when I have a lot to do. I current get five on the bus, go to work or school and then return home to retrieve four off the bus. After school is homework and snack time. Before school is usually tv time or running around outside. I have yet to find another activity for the morning but so far I am keeping my table cleaned off for homework space, my sink empty for dirty dishes and my floors vacuumed for children who may want to lay around in the morning!

Hope the enthusiasm stays! Oh and did I mention with my tight schedule I have been able to stay AHEAD of schedule with homework for school!? Here's wishing everybody a successful school year!

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