Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Gender Reveal

Wow what a whirlwind this last week has been! We decided a few months ago that we wanted to have a party to share the excitement and joy of finding out what baby number 3 would be. I started to call bakeries to see if they would be willing to do a gender reveal cake and found a lady that was very excited about it.

After scheduling the Ultrasound, we made up invitations that read "Pink or Blue, We have no Clue!" and send them to close family and friends inviting them to join us the Friday after our ultrasound to find out the gender of our little one.

Monday we had an ultrasound to check on baby's growth, any "soft" markers (meaning potential risk factors for cleft lip, organ malfunctions, etc) and of course to find out whether it was a boy or girl. But the hitch was that we didn't want to know the gender then and there. We asked the ultrasound technician to find out the sex and seal it in an envelope for us to reveal at a later date.

Then on Tuesday I delivered the results to the bakery and finalized the plans. We decided that if it was a girl the baker would swirl the cake with raspberry flavoring and if it were a boy the baker would swirl it with blue cake batter.

Friday I picked up the cake and the envelope that had our results. The baker had sealed the envelope back up but I was so tempted to look. But I didn't! (I'm really proud of myself for that!)

After getting the cake, attending some appointments, making dinner and tiding up our house. The guests started to arrive.

We had 40 people here! I didn't count them that night and I don't have pictures of them all but it was crazy! (In a good way) We had 19 children here and 21 adults. The children ranged from 11 months up.

After we knew that we had everybody here we decided to start the celebration.
Once we had everybody's attention we started to cut the cake. Brooke and Jaelyn didn't want to watch.

 Once we cut the cake we learned our surprise! It was blue. It's a boy!
We are super stoked to be adding a little boy to our family. Ready for trucks, cars, dirt, t-shirt and jeans. Ready for baseball, hockey and all other little boy games. :-)

Everybody that attended the party made the event so much more exciting. We are thankful to have the support and love from our family and friends who shared the moment with us. Lots of laughter and joy was shared that night. 

Bring on the the next few months! I'm ready for July already so I can meet our little man.


  1. I honestly cried when I read this......I can only imagine your excitement and I'm so happy for you guys! I love the pics and how they captured some of the emotions you were feeling. Best wishes mama!!

  2. Thanks Beth! I was in shock all weekend. :-)
