Thursday, January 24, 2013

Weighty Wednesday...Errr Thursday.

So I'm a week and one day late on this blog that I promised everybody. Better late than never....right!?

I started to make changes for the better last week, but nothing that I thought was significant to write about. This week however I have started making bigger, better changes. I signed up an account with a site that allows you to track your calorie intake, your exercising and your weight. It does require some work on your part but the thing I like most is the fact that I could put in my weight, my goal weight and the length of time that I wanted to lose the weight and it told me how many pounds a week I would have to lose in order to meet my goal. It made it seem so simple! Another great part of the site is that it's free! (with ads of course but you can upgrade to a paid version for no ads). Oh and "Bringing in groceries, climbing stairs and walking" are all exercise options. Oh yeah! I got this!!

So here's what I have done so far. I weighed myself on Monday morning, before eating or drinking anything. All week I have cut back on the "munching" and have made a conscience choice to eat less during meals and way less junk. (Which is way hard for me because the more stressed and tired I am the more I crave my chocolate!) I have been eating a salad for lunch and a salad before dinner. I have also been watching my carbs but not so much that I feel like I'm missing out. I have been doing little exercises throughout the day, dancing with my daughter, doing push ups while Rowan is having tummy time, leg lifts while I brush my teeth, jumping jacks, walking around K-mart (ok, I know that's a stretch but I did it.) and doing my Zumba on the Wii (although I really need/want to do it more)

So here's the kicker! I weighed myself this morning. Even though I really wanted to wait until Monday but I just had to, I was curious. I thought the scale was lying to me when I stepped on it. I have already lost 4 lbs! In four days! I'm not starving myself, I'm just being aware of what I put in my mouth. I know this big weight loss won't continue for long but if it continues till February 14, I will be stoked!

"What's v-day have to do with this?" You may ask. I asked my husband to give me a challenge because challenges are my biggest motivator. He challenged me to lose 2 lbs a week until V-day. I added to his challenge since he couldn't think of a reward for me if I met his challenge and told him if I lost that plus ten more pounds then he had to start working out with me twice a week to keep me motivated and to help him get into better shape. So there you have it. A challenge!

Of course today I had to reward myself with Hershey kisses and a Cadbury egg. So now I have to be super conscienctious.

Wish me luck!